Category: News

Demystifying Encryption

In a world fueled by data and connectivity, keeping information secure is paramount. Encryption, a cornerstone of digital security, plays a critical role in safeguarding our data from prying eyes. In this guide, we try to unravel the essence of encryption, its significance, and why you need it to fortify your digital world. Understanding Encryption…
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A Welcomed Decline in Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware attacks, a form of malware designed to encrypt files on a device, rendering any files and the systems that rely on them unusable, saw a downturn in 2022. According to research reports from several cybersecurity vendors, at least some of the drop is thanks to improved prevention and law enforcement intervention. Some reports indicate…
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Manage Your Passwords in 2023!

As we enter a new year, it is time for some good ol’ resolutions. Drink more water, exercise, make your bed every morning, sure. Here at LayerEight, we want your cyber security resolution to be to use a password manager. Password managers help you generate and store long, unique, and complex passwords for all of…
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Multi-Factor Authentication-What It Is and Why It’s Important

What It Is According to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Multi-factor authentication is a layered approach to securing data and applications where a system requires a user to present a combination of two or more credentials to verify a user’s identity for login. MFA increases security because even if one credential becomes compromised, unauthorized…
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The Human Element of Phishing

Hackers continue to get creative in how they craft their scams, and what demographics they tailor them to. Beyond the prince of Nigeria scam (although reports say this scam still rakes in $700,00 a year), hackers are getting smarter. Security systems can protect us from a lot of threats, but we are only as good…
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4 Tips to Building an Uncrackable Password

1) Use a phrase – Around 12 letters long – Integrate things you like or do to make it more memorable 2) Keep each account unique – Never use the same password more than once 3) Play with spellings – Use homonyms (weak, week) – Two instead of To – Ant instead of Aunt 4)…
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Tips to Remember After Your Personal Data Has Been Breached

No one likes a hacked account. Am I right? A hacked account can result in financial loss, identity theft, or just a whole lot of wasted time. None of which is fun. You can be in control of the safety of your business’ and client’s data, but not necessarily your own when it is in…
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Cybersecurity Risks Greater Than Ever for Businesses

IS YOUR BUSINESS PROTECTED? With the on-going threat of Russian Cyber-attacks, business owners are asking themselves: “Am I Protected?” The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have released a joint Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) to warn of malicious Russian cyber-attacks. But what exactly does this mean for the average American?…
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What exactly is the New York State SHIELD Act?

Without always realizing, the average individual like myself shares private information any time they access social media, browse through Google, or make an online payment. Thinking about who could have access to your private information can be pretty scary but, in March 2020, amid the chaos of the global pandemic the New York State SHIELD…
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An Introduction to Managed Services

At one time or another we have all heard the expression, “Technology is great…when it works.” From education systems, retail stores, restaurants, and more, most everything in our society today revolves and operates around technology. Prior to starting my internship with LayerEight I didn’t know much about the IT industry or what the term “managed…
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